Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Services

In addition to the transplant surgery fellow, the transplant surgery attending, and the transplant nephrology attending, the Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Service is staffed by one or two surgical interns, one third-year surgical resident, a nephrology fellow and often, a transplant nephrology fellow, a post-transplant nurse coordinator, a transplant pharmacist, and often medical and/or pharmacy students. The service census averages 15 patients with 1 to 2 patients in the Intensive Care Unit. During daily inpatient rounds, all patients are examined; results of laboratory, radiological, and histological tests are reviewed; and a plan for patient care is determined.
Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Services All patients scheduled to undergo kidney donation or kidney and/or pancreas transplantation are admitted to the service in the peri-transplant period.
The transplant fellow is responsible for evaluating each patient's suitability to undergo transplantation on admission. Moreover, all kidney and kidney pancreas transplant recipients who require hospitalization for any medical or surgical problem(s) are admitted to the service.
The fellow is expected to gain expertise in the comprehensive medical management of the post-transplant patient including the prescription of appropriate immunosuppression and diagnosis of rejection. In light of the high volume of our program, the fellow will be generously exposed to medical and surgical complications of kidney and pancreas transplantation.
It is the full expectation of our program that the fellow will master the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to handle such contingencies. The fellow is also expected to attend the weekly multidisciplinary Kidney and Pancreas Selection Conference where pre- transplant patients are presented and concerns regarding their candidacy discussed.