Message from the Director
Thank you for considering the University of California, San Francisco Abdominal Transplant Fellowship Program. Our faculty is committed to your development as a knowledgeable, competent, and experienced abdominal transplant surgeon. Our program is designed to provide comprehensive training in abdominal transplantation, including the evaluation of transplant candidates, the management of patients with acute and chronic liver disease, and the operative, peri-operative, and post-operative care of organ transplant patients.
We provide ample exposure to deceased donor multi-organ procurement and living donor nephrectomy and hepatectomy. We have a strong didactic program with many weekly meetings including Transplant Mortality and Morbidity Conference, meetings of the Kidney and Liver Selection Committees, Transplant Laboratory Group Meeting, Liver Transplant Pathology Conference, and the Transplant Seminar Series. Additional didactic opportunities include General Surgery Grand Rounds and innumerable basic science lectures complementing the UCSF academic atmosphere. We are proud of our multi-dimensional training experience and committed to evolving our program to meeting the dynamic needs of transplantation today.

Shareef Syed, MBChB, MRCS, FACS, MAEd
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Division of Transplant Surgery
Associate Director, UCSF Surgical Skills Center
Director, Abdominal Transplant Fellowship Program